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Topic: Round Valley Tower Meeting - 2nd Session
Time: Apr 10, 2021 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Cell tower against blue cloudy sky
Round Valley Indian Tribes

Moving your forward

Project Details

The Round Valley Indian Tribes Cell Tower initiative has been established to bring cellular and wireless services to tribal and non-tribal member residents and businesses. The services will bring reliable highspeed cellular services based on two primary cell towers located on the Administration Campus and the other tower located near the housing area. The third tower is a small tower designed to relay the signals out of the valley at high speeds.

Please feel free to review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), pictures below, read through the documentation that explains the safety and importance of cellular technologies and finally if there are still any remaining questions, please feel free to email us at the email at the bottom of the page.

Common Questions


How safe is cellular technology on the towers?

We have established a document repository below with some excellent information from official agencies that explain the safety of cellular. The two main towers will be over 160Ft in the air with the radio equipment almost as high. This means that the impact from radiation is very low.


I heard there is microwaves on the towers, isn’t microwave dangerous?

Microwave signals can be dangerous, but the good news is, in order for the microwave to pose a valid risk, a person has to be standing in front of it. Based on these antennas being about 150-160ft in the air, this isn’t physically possible. Also, the main microwaves will not be on these two towers, so this should also help calm any worries. While there is radiation coming off of the towers, based on studies by universities and govt institutions, they have shown that the radiation: First leaks off at high distances directly out of the antennas, due to the height of these antennas, they are safe. There is more radiation coming from cell phones and wireless devices within buildings than there is from the towers and equipment unless you are standing right in front of the antenna.


Will this have any effect on any flying mammals in this area?

Owls and bats are known to be in this area next to the Tribal office and church, these are very important animals to our ecosystem. These systems are deployed globally across every city, town, suburb, and rural area. This is the same technology that is already deployed on Keith’s Market, the entire 101, 5 FWY, areas like Willits, Ukiah, etc... that are frequented by tribal and non-tribal members. There are no impacts to wildlife when it comes to 4G and so far from the studies, even 5G technologies (please see attached documents below). At this time, we are only deploying 4G until comfort levels with the 5G is proven and ready to be widely deployed. The good news is, once ready, and the tribe is comfortable, we can do a quick easy turn of the switch and enable 5G.


Will radiation be in a circumference around the towers?

The only radiation that could technically be proven to show some harm is the Microwaves. In order for the microwave to pose a valid risk, a person has to be standing in front of it. Based on these antennas being about 150-160ft in the air, this isn’t physically possible. Also, the main microwaves will not be on these two towers, so this should also help calm any worries. While there is radiation coming off of the towers, based on studies by universities and govt institutions, they have shown that the radiation: First leaks off at high distances directly out of the antennas, due to the height of these antennas, they are safe. There is more radiation coming from cell phones and wireless devices within buildings than there is from the towers and equipment unless you are standing right in front of the antenna.


What will happen if a child climbs on this tower?

The towers will be completely surrounded by fences, locked gates and security wires, plus cameras. If a child happens to get through, the ability to climb is still pretty difficult, while not impossible. We also have to view this from other aspects - What is to stop a child from climbing a mountain? I see plenty of people including children jumping off of rocks over at the river (there are many accidents every year of miscalculated jumps and hitting a rock), what is to stop the child from jumping off of a building roof? The everyday point here is, while we strive for the best security and remediations, there is never a guarantee, no one can guarantee any safety, just like people getting hit all the time on Covelo Road. While we would never tell people how to raise their children, we would say that it is highly recommend parents to teach their children about dangers, taking risks, and following the rules of law and also about consequences.


What about animals that will roam around the foot of the towers?

You will see on towers across the nation, as I see all the time driving the 5FWY or especially out here in rural parts of California and Oregon where there is a significant amount of undisturbed groups of wildlife that live on, near/around cell towers. The good news is, although it would be pretty interesting to see, I have never seen any glowing green at night, haha jk, but they have all not shown to have any effects. The most we see is sometimes birds getting tangled in wires, but this is usually on power poles more than cell towers since cell towers lack the amount of cables in the sky that power towers have. Family homes will be less then 300 feet away, can we be assured that there will be no effect on those homes and family members that live in them? Based on the studies by universities, government bodies – FCC etc…, they have shown that the exposure from these towers to the surrounding homes is minimal. You receive more radiation from your cell phones, microwaves, and wireless home router and devices than you would from these towers. Remember, in every major city GLOBALLY not just the US but GLOBALLY, this is the technology that they place on apartment/condo rooftops, grocery stores (Keith’s Market as an example), schools – on the rooftops of many facilities including gyms and cafeterias, and office buildings where people work throughout a day. This is already tried, true and proven technology which again, is the same no matter which city or provider you go with.


What information can you give us that will assure that Cancer will not be affecting our community?

Please see the attached documents and responses above in regard to devices, diets, lack of exercise, and other methods which have proven to be significantly more cancerous than 4G and so far, even 5G cellular equipment.

What They Say?

Cell Tower at a Glance

Admin Site Photos

View photos from all phases of the Admin Site for The Round Valley Indian Tribes Cell Tower initiative.

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Brown Site Photos

View photos from all phases of the Brown Site for The Round Valley Indian Tribes Cell Tower initiative.

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Equipment Photos

View photos from all phases of the Equipment for The Round Valley Indian Tribes Cell Tower initiative.

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Housing Site Photos

View photos from all phases of the Housing Site for The Round Valley Indian Tribes Cell Tower initiative.

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Job Announcements

The following are job listings for the various Tribal Organizations, Businesses and Departments (listed here for convenience, for detailed information please contact the relevant Organization, Business or Department).
Nature landscape with mountains

Please see the following page for a list of the current available Round Valley Indian Tribes jobs

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Abstract blurry gym
Health Center, Inc Jobs

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Housing Authority Jobs

Please see the following page for a list of the current available Round Valley Indian Tribes jobs

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Dealer at table shuffling cards
Hidden Oaks Casino

Please see the following page for a list of the current available Round Valley Indian Tribes jobs

Job Listings