The Department is located at 77826 Covelo Road, Covelo, California on the Round Valley Indian Reservation.
Monday through Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; excluding Holidays and Tribal Administrative Leave.
Phone: (707) 983-6960Fax: (707) 983-6128Holidays or Weekends (Water Emergencies Only): (707) 272-2341
The Round Valley Indian Tribes owns and is responsible for four Public Water Systems (PWS) that serve the community of Round Valley. The Tribal Council currently acts as the Utility Board to establish, organize, and enforce ordinances, protocols, and regulations for maintaining a technical, managerial, and financial foundation for the Tribes Water Systems.
The Tribes Public Water Systems are the Piner, Agency, Della Davis, and Administration systems. Each PWS is regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), Region 9 and is assigned a PWS identification number.
Each system is required to maintain a quality of drinking water that meets or is above the Federal Drinking Water Standards. The water systems are monitored annually for contaminants and monthly for coli from bacteria and E. coli. For any contaminant that exceeds the maximum contaminant level (MCL), including a positive coli form/E. coli sample, must follow the appropriate steps that are defined by the Safe Water Drinking Act. These may include public notification, repeat sampling, and/or applying alternative treatment.
Currently, the Tribes have employed two staff persons to operate and maintain these water systems. The lead operator is a California State certified Water Treatment Operator, grade 2, and a California State certified Water Distribution Operator, grade 2. The systems are monitored regularly for disinfection levels and turbidity. Staff also performs hydrant-flushing to remove mineral deposits that have settled in the bottoms of the water mains. This will improve the quality of the drinking water and hopefully remove most of the taste and odor problems.
If you are on any of the above-mentioned water systems and want to participate in maintaining your water quality, please consider joining the Tribes Utility Board. Write a letter of intent to Tribal Council, 77826 Covelo Road, Covelo Ca, 95428
For any questions and/or comments please call the Tribal Water Association @ 983-6960. On weekends or holidays please call 272-2341.
Please see the following page for a list of the current available Round Valley Indian Tribes jobs
Job ListingsPlease see the following page for a list of the current available Round Valley Indian Tribes jobs
Job ListingsPlease see the following page for a list of the current available Round Valley Indian Tribes jobs
Job ListingsPlease see the following page for a list of the current available Round Valley Indian Tribes jobs
Job ListingsFill out the Enrolled Tribal Member Certification form and mail it with your taxes to prove to the state that you're an enrolled Tribal Member and may be exempt from (CA) State Taxes