The Round Valley Tribal Council is the elected by the Round Valley Indian Tribes membership. Tribal Council members are elected in the General Election held on the First Tuesday of November in even numbered years (e.g. 2014, 2016...). For a list of the current Tribal Council members, please see the following page: Tribal Council Web Page.
The Health Board is the duly authorized Board designated to hear matters of Health related issues for the Round Valley Indian Tribes. The 7 Board Members are Elected positions, with 2 year terms.
Please visit the Round Valley Indian Health Center's website for more information: RVIHC Inc.
The Housing Board is the duly authorized Board designated to hear matters of Housing related issues and housing business for the Round Valley Indian Tribes.
Please visit the following website for more detailed information: RIVHA Website. (Scroll Down)
The Election Board is the board that oversees all Elections for the Round Valley Indian Tribes.
The Gaming Commissioners are charged with regulating the Hidden Oaks Casino.
The cemetery committee is charged with maintaining the Round Valley Indian Tribe's various cemetaries.
The following is a list of other boards and committees we would like to establish or re-establish and more information will be posted as we either establish them or ask for more input. They are not listed in any particular order, preference or importance.
Please see the following page for a list of the current available Round Valley Indian Tribes jobs
Job ListingsPlease see the following page for a list of the current available Round Valley Indian Tribes jobs
Job ListingsPlease see the following page for a list of the current available Round Valley Indian Tribes jobs
Job ListingsPlease see the following page for a list of the current available Round Valley Indian Tribes jobs
Job ListingsFill out the Enrolled Tribal Member Certification form and mail it with your taxes to prove to the state that you're an enrolled Tribal Member and may be exempt from (CA) State Taxes